Mommy Motivation Monday: Kelsey

Monday, January 13, 2014

It's mommy motivation Monday! This is a new feature on my blog where I will be sharing YOUR mommy weight loss stories. As moms we are expected to balance it all... today I'm sharing you Kelsey's weight loss story on how she lost 30 pounds after having her sweet little one. Kelsey's story is unique because her baby was born so early at just 28 weeks... despite stressful situations in her life she was still able to live a healthy lifestyle AND continue to be supermom. Here is her story!

Birth Story:
I went to the hospital around 3 pm June 1, 2012 because I was bleeding.  My blood pressure was through the roof so they immediately put monitors on me.  After blood draws and waiting and freaking myself out a nurse came in at 7 pm and asked if I had been checked for dilation yet.  I told her no.  She checked me and immediately walked out of the room.  A doctor came in (the on call, not my dr... which made me nervous) I was dilated to a 4.... at 27 1/2 weeks.  I started bawling..... the nurses took my phone and called my husband and my parents.  My husband was to pack a bag and plan to stay awhile.  I was started on two different medications to stop the labor and got steroid shots to help develop the baby.  The first night was ok,.... on the 2nd I was in severe pain.... they ended up drugging me for two days where I could not open my eyes... and I could barely talk... my body was still contracting even in this state.  The NICU doctors came in and told us what would happen if she was born this early... she had an 80% survival rate. My doctor came and said we are going to try to keep you pregnant until 36 weeks... which meant I was not going to leave the hospital.  On the 3rd, they started weaning me off of some of the medicine because I was not able to communicate very well.  They did a 3d ultrasound of her... and even though that you could tell she looked like her daddy!  They 4th day went well....however that night about 6pm... things started picking up.  They drugged me again but nothing was stopping the labor this time... at 10 pm they called my doctor to come in... he came in and showered at the hospital and sat by my bedside until midnight.  He went to take a nap because he said she would be coming in the next few hours.  At this point I was an 8.  I have never cried so much in my life.... at 4 am on the 5th I was given an epidural.  At 6am my dr came in and sat by my side.... at6:50 am he broke my water.... at 7:00 am I started pushing....I pushed time is all it took to get that tiny 2lb 12 oz baby into this world.  Kevin and I were prepared not to hear anything (as the NICU drs had told us babys this small do not make noises).... they were wrong... she cried... a joyus sound. They immediately took her and intubated her so she was able to breath.....I got to give her a swift kiss and they took her away to the incubator....I did not get to hold her for two days......

Kellyn was released from the hospital on Aug 9.... 2.5 weeks BEFORE her due date. 

The worst part about the NICU was leaving your baby there.. it was terrible.. I cried every time I left the hospital..... but you can only hold them at certain times and if they are under the covers (not being exposed to light) you can only look that them at certain times...  I read to her... all the time... book after book (which I think is why she is OBSESSED with books now).  She came home on a heart monitor because she would quit breathing sometimes.  I think I was numb to the squealing of the machine because I knew exactly what to do after restarting her breathing day after day in the nicu.  It is AMAZING what the human body and heart can do and endure.  I am so blessed to be the parent of this "Warrior Princess" (which is what Kellyn means in greek).  I kept a journal that I wrote in daily in the nicu.. and write in occasionally now... I plan to give it to her when she goes to college.

Pregnancy weight gain: 11 lbs (my little girl was born at 28 weeks, so I never got to gain the "end" weight with her)
I was 170 when I got pregnant... then got up to 181.

Postpartum weight loss: 30 lbs
I am holding at 150 lbs right now.

What did you do to lose the weight? Eliptical, treadmill, running, and weights. I lift 3-5 times a week and cardio 3-5 times a week . I try to do something every day of the week..... even if it is just a couple set of abs or push ups.... Effort is KEY!

What tips would you give mom's to help lose the weight? ITS HARD! But you can do it.  Make "me time" work out time.  I strongly suggest lifting weight because you burn calories on rest days while your muscles rebuild!

What has been the hardest thing that you've had to push through when losing the weight?The Mental challenge.  Sugar intake.  I never drink soda... but I am a SWEETaholic!

Words of encouragement to mommy's trying to lose the weight:Its ok that you have chocolate.... just not 3 candy bars a day!  Do not give up!

Thanks for sharing your story Kelsey! 

I want to feature YOUR mommy weight loss story! Tell me about it here so I can share it with the other mommy's that are trying to lose weight! Power to the mommy's!

1 comment :

  1. Wow this is such a bittersweet story! So glad everything was ok in the end! What an inspiration not only physically but mentally as well. And I love that they named her's so fitting! Thanks for sharing this :)


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