Close friend of ours hit by a train

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sheesh... what a title. If that doesn't catch your attention I don't know what will.

A close friend of ours was hit by the front runner train this past Friday. She was walking across when a north bound train hit her at 30 mph... she flew 25 feet into a metal bar. She has numerous broken bones, a shattered cheekbone, collapsed lung, broken jaw, broken pelvis... she will have to have many surgeries and rehabilitation. Unfortunately she isn't currently insured and the expenses will be extremely high. We saw her in the ICU for the first time today and though she can barely move or even open her eyes she was giving us the thumbs up and rock on signs with her hands. She is a fighter. A fundraiser has been created to help with medical expenses. Anything helps. Please share to help keep the word moving. 

Click here to donate. Let's help this fighter!


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