I'm Pregnant!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

If you follow me on instagram you may have already caught this announcement a few weeks ago, but we are expecting! Due May 12. I'm 12 weeks today… wahoo!!

I know I have been keeping you updated on our fertility journey… this time it took us 9 months before we got a positive. Including the last miscarriage 14 months of trying to get Jake a sibling. We had been going to the doctor checking my hormone levels (they were all normal!) and then Sam was about to go in and get "tested" if you know what I mean. I got the positive pregnancy test the week that Sam would have gone in to get tested. I joke that he really didn't want to go in and have to do that so he made it count this time! Hahaha!

I really didn't think it was going to happen that month. My grandpa had just been in a terrible car accident where him and other family members had to be hospitalized for a few days… I stayed up in town to help my family as much as possible.

The day I came home was the day my period should have came. I got home at night and was so tired of the let down of taking negative pregnancy tests I almost didn't take one. However, I had a few pregnancy tests from Dollar Tree so I decided "what the heck". It was nighttime, not even morning, I was sure it would be negative. I had taken probably 40 of those dollar tree tests all coming back negative. So I followed the instructions and then shut it in my bathroom closet for a couple of minutes. I didn't tell Sam that I was taking one… but when I opened the door and looked at it I couldn't believe my eyes. Two lines!!

Sam was in the bedroom and I walked in holding the test smiling and he said, "Say one of ours it's positive!" I said yes and we just embraced. Just like that, your world changes.

This pregnancy has been so different than the others, I've been so much more sick and it started way earlier than the other pregnancies. With Jake and our miscarriage I didn't get sick until like week 8 and then it was over by like week 11. This pregnancy I was like bedridden sick at 5 weeks!! I started taking unisom and B6 and that has been my saving grace. Hallelujah!!

I've also been pretty much vegetarian this whole first trimester. I literally haven't cooked meat since I found out I was pregnant. The thought of it made me want to vomit. Ewwww. The stringy texture of chicken… can't handle it! Wondering if I will get over that after this first trimester.

They moved my due date a week ahead because the baby was measuring larger than we thought. Fine with me! Pretty much every pregnant lady's dream, right?

I've connected with a lot of women through our fertility journey, just wanted to let you know just because I found out I'm pregnant doesn't mean I've stopped thinking about you. My heart aches for every month of negatives you get because I know the hurt too, you're in my prayers and I really hope you can get that positive test soon. Fingers crossed!

I know some of you are out there still thinking "Dollar Tree test?! Those work?" Here is my answer. YES AND YES. I will never spend money on first response ever again. The dollar tree tests aren't always as sensitive, so if your HCG levels don't increase as much then you might want to spend the money. Like I said I had taken SO MANY of them that came back negative, and then my period would come the next day. I knew they weren't quite as sensitive to the HCG levels so that's why I was so surprised when it came back so positive at nighttime. I took three, all positive! Dollar Tree for the win.

If you'd like to follow my pregnancy journey closer follow me on instagram @britneymunday. I post… a lot. Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers while we were trying to get that positive pregnancy test… it means SO much to us and I'm sure you're part of the reason we did get that positive.

Thanks for reading!

XOXO Britney

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