The 0.1 Running Method

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Ok. Ok. I promised you guys I would sit down and write out my running method SO HERE I AM. Guys, the past few months have been CRAZY. But I’ve cut off 9 minutes from my finishing 5K time in just three months and if I can do it you can do it too!

Since this is my first time writing on here since my divorce… I better preface this post with an update. I’m divorced. Haha! Well now we've got that out of the way. Good thing I can laugh about it. I’ve talked about it a lot on my instagram @britneymunday so if you need some closure about everything you are free to creep through those posts. Lol.

So through all of this divorce crap it has motivated me to start running again. It’s kind of my outlet and something I look forward to improving every week. I’ve been posting about how I’m running a little faster each week and I’ve had a lot of you ask about what exactly it is I’m doing. So I’ll write out a schedule for you!

So first things first. You need to start running.This schedule specifically is for treadmill running. Don’t run too fast, I think that’s the first problem people encounter when they start. YOU HAVE TO START SLOW. And then even slower than that. THERE IS NO SHAME IN SLOW. We all have to start somewhere and unless you are honest with yourself and your running speed then you will burn out.

When I started running again after a two year break (AKA having a child) I started out with a lot of walk breaks. And then less walk breaks. And less. Until I can get through a run without walk breaks (and the key to doing that is again… starting SLOW).

Each training run I do right now is a 5k (3.12 miles) with the exception of my long runs on Saturday’s. I try and run four times a week (usually Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday). I notice a direct correlation in my running ability if I miss ANY training runs because that next run will be much harder. It’s so crucial to remain consistent. Your body will improve and adjust if you stay consistent, I promise!!!

Because everyone is so different you will have to adjust the speed to what works for you, but here is what I started out with.

Mondays: Run/walk interval days. These days your focus ISN’T how fast you can do the 5k. The focus on these days is to condition your heart and legs to a faster running speed while still having walk breaks to look forward to for rest.
Wednesdays: These are your tempo run days (consistent speed and no walk breaks). These days your focus IS your ending time. Keep your speed the same the whole time.
Thursdays: Another Run/walk interval.
Saturdays: Distance run, the focus of this run is to condition your body to running a longer length. I allow myself walk breaks.

So here is what my schedule started at.

Monday: Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 5.8 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 6.3 mph (my sprints I always do 0.5 mph quicker… in this case 6.3 mph instead of 5.8 mph)

Wednesday: Tempo run. Run this one 0.5 mph slower than your running speed on Monday. In this case it would be 5.3 mph for three miles and then again sprint the last 0.12 miles at sprint speed you did Monday (6.3 mph).

Thursday: Another run walk interval. Same speeds you did Monday.

Saturday: Distance day. I started out by making this just another 5k run (3.12 miles) but then slowly began adding one mile to it each week. Right now I’m doing 6 miles each Saturday and trying to get my body used to that. You don’t want to up your mileage too soon too quick or you will give yourself an injury or shin splints.

So here is how you end up improving each week.

The 0.1 MPH method

Bump your speed up by 0.1 mph every week. All of it. Except the walk breaks, keep your walk breaks at or around 3.8 mph (should be a fast paced walk).

When you’re bumping your speed up by 0.1 mph every week your body barely notices but over the weeks it ends up paying off BIG TIME. Big time.

When I started my tempo run was just 5.3 mph and I struggled even doing that. I’ve been bumping up everything by 0.1 mph each week and now after 11 weeks my tempo run was 6.3 mph yesterday but didn’t feel like any more effort than when I started 11 weeks ago at 5.3 mph. In fact, when I first started at 5.3 mph it probably WAS harder than the 6.3 mph now! Our bodies are capable of anything with consistency.

Don’t cheat, if you cheat you are only cheating yourself. Be realistic with your speeds, if you try going too fast too soon you’re not going to sustain it and be more likely to throw in the towel. I’ll write out the schedule of what I’ve done the past 11 weeks… if you need to start slower adjust it to better fit YOU!

I’ve ran over 10 half marathons… and every time after I run them I completely stop training. I tell myself each time I’m going to stay trained so I don’t have to work from nothing again but I never do… so I guess that makes me an expert in starting over again and again? Haha! I’m training for the Ogden Half Marathon in May… so I’ll start bumping up my Saturday mileage the closer I get. This method that I made up has made me cut off 9 minutes from my 5k time in just 11 weeks… there is so much power in consistency!! You can do it! I don’t believe anyone is BORN a runner… I believe you have to make yourself like running. And you can do that through consistent training and dedication.

Week 1
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 5.8 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 6.3 mph (my sprints I always do 0.5 mph quicker… in this case 6.3 mph instead of 5.8 mph)
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 5.3 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (6.3 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
5k at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 2
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 5.9 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 6.4 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 5.4 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (6.4 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
5k at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 3
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 6.5 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 5.5 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (6.5 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
5k at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 4
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.1 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 6.6 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 5.6 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (6.6 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
5k at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 5
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.2 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 6.7 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 5.7 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (6.7 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
5k at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 6
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.3 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 6.8 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 5.8 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (6.8 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
4 miles at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 7
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.4 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 6.9 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 5.9 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (6.9 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
5 miles at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 8
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.5 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 7 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 6 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (7 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
6 miles at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 9
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.6 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 7.1 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 6.1 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (7.1 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
6 miles at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 10
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.7 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 7.2 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 6.2 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (7.2 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
6 miles at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 11
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.8 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 7.3 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 6.3 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (7.3 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
6 miles at whatever speed feels comfortable.

Week 12
Monday: Walk/Run Interval
Walk 0.25 miles at 3.8 mph. Run 0.75 miles at 6.9 mph. So each mile has one walk break and one running stretch. Repeat three times (three miles) and then sprint last 0.12 at 7.4 mph
Wednesday: Tempo Run
Run this one at 6.4 mph for three miles and then sprint the last 0.12 miles at the sprint speed you did Monday (7.4 mph).
Thursday: Walk/Run Interval
Same speeds as Monday run.
Saturday: Long run
6 miles at whatever speed feels comfortable.

And so on and so forth! Keep increasing it by 0.1 mph every week! Follow me on instagram @britneymunday where I post more tips on running… and talk about pretty much everything under the sun, have no filter, and then later regret it. Ya know? It's a good time over there. Haha! Thanks for reading!

xoxo Britney Munday

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